Objectives of Mechanical Ventilation – Oakes Academy
I. Physiological Objectives. A. Support or Manipulate Pulmonary Gas Exchange Alveolar Ventilation (VA [flow]) (e.g., PaCO2, pH). In most cases, normalize V?A …
I. Physiological Objectives. A. Support or Manipulate Pulmonary Gas Exchange Alveolar Ventilation (VA [flow]) (e.g., PaCO2, pH). In most cases, normalize V?A …
Humidification during Mechanical Ventilation 1 (retired, see below). Summarized AARC CPG. Indications, Continuous gas therapy: high flow or bypassed upper …
Pharmacology Abbreviations. Abbreviations typically used in medication shorthand. Our advice: make sure you know what is acceptable. Even if it is acceptable, …
Definition. Pneumonia caused by the organism P. jirovecii, primarily occurring in immunocompromised patients. See AIDS. Etiology. Pneumocystis jirovecii (a …
Diameter: Normal Anterior-Posterior (A-P) Diameter = 1/2 to 2/3 > 2/3 = barrel chest. Rib Angles: Normal = 45 degrees. COPD = flattened or horizontal (air …
Acid Production, ↑ Acid Addition, ↓ Acid Excretion. Organic acids: ↑ Lactic acid * (most common cause) (> 5mM/L); ↑ Ketoacidosis ** (common cause) …
Generic (Brand). racemic ephineprine. S2 Primatene. Dosage. INHALATION SOLUTION: 22.5 mg/mL (0.5 mL) (2.25%). 0.25-0.5 mL (2.25%) in 2.5 mL diluent.
Causes, Clinical Significance, Treatment. Increased (> 15 bpm). Fetal stimulation. benign, none. Decreased (< 5 bpm). Sleep cycle; Analgesics. Demerol; Talwin ...
Capillary Blood Gas Sampling for Neonatal and Pediatric Patients. Summarized AARC CPG. Description. Capillary blood sample to estimate pH and PaCO2
Burns. Burns of chest may create a restrictive process (= higher plateau pressures); Burns may increase O2 consumption, requiring a higher minute ventilation …